Monday 5 May 2008


I'm 20 years old, male student of Media and Comunication & Creative and Professional writing. Beig Bad relate to my craft of writing module where I learnt how to write short stories(in being bad creative pieces). I think that Being bad was rather easy but at an approprieate level, topics were interesting and easy to understand but there was a lot of assignments. I think that format of the classes worked well, as module team did, more debates among whole class should be provided. I think that interdisciplinary approach is very useful and is a very good idea. I would recommend this module to others but I doubt that I will follow up with PH2004. I think that weblogs are good idea but it takes a lot of time to write them. Two short assigments are good idea. I learnt about the causes and ideas of human bad behaviour what I also find most useful.

Sunday 4 May 2008


Eating is one of the greatest human pleasures. Food gives us essential to live elements, it gives us energy, health, and obesity...

What cause that we eat junk food? that we eat food that is unhealthy, harmful, even poisonous to us?

Fast food tends to be served fast and prepered fast, moreover it is very tasty. Lazyness is the issue that push us to make and eat junk food. We would rather put ready meal to microwave for 3 minutes than cook a dinner for an hour.

Pandemia of obesity in the world, in developed countries is terrible. People don't think abut their health, they rather live comfortable than healthy.

Saturday 3 May 2008


Robin Hood, Jessie James, Al Capone, criminals, bandits beloved by people, whose legacy last forever. Why their being bad was socially accepted?
Bandits like Robin Hood or Jessie James created and in contemporary world are presented in kind of mythology, where individuals considered as criminals fight with unfair government for ordinary people benefit.
Even if they were killing people, and usually weren't so noble as they are presented, they are considered as heroes.

Friday 2 May 2008

Mobbing and Bullying

What does mean to be a bully? What is mobbing? They are the same thing - doing and saying things to have power over other person, and using this power.
There were always in school people who would rather beat up other kids than learn anything. They weren't usually even that stupid but they were stronger and because of that more powerful. When they felt the power they used it not on equal but on the weakest.
Same situation is in big companies offices, where rich boss feel free to humiliate employees or even to harass them. Is it in human nature to desire power and to abuse it in bad way?

Wednesday 30 April 2008

BadTv: Bad Celebs

When you're getting a lot of money and attention at the same time you can go crazy a little. Famous celebrities tend to act like this: Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Amy Winehouse, Kate Moss. Attention of media gave them money, money gave them drugs and alcohol, further behaviour gave them even bigger attention. What cause their bad behaviour? They simply feel above the law and other people, they think that they can do anything and get way out of it(like Kate Moss proved it).
What is the best we can observe their wild behaviour in media which feed on this tragedies. People lost their lives, helth, families and audience watch it as it is a movie. Or maybe all of this is acting?

Tuesday 29 April 2008


What about shoplifting? Is it bad thing to steal from big corporated supermarkets or not? Will the one candybar make any change?
First thing - stealing is bad, and is a crime. If someone doesn't consider shoplifting as a crime, police do, and no one want to have criminal background and be forbbiden from the shop.
Second thing - you don't steal from corporations, usually people who work in the shop have to return money from missing goods.
And the last thing, if you have enought money to eat and live, don't seal, you can start to think tahat stealing is a normal thing or even become addicted to it.
Why people do it? For money? Goods? usually for fun...

Saturday 26 April 2008


What is lying? Dictionary explain it perfectly
Does it sounds familiar? We live in the world of lie, everyone lies: media, politicans, church, ordinary people. What is most disturbing is that everyone accept lying, don't consider it as a bad thing, don't loose anything because of lying, whatmore, they can gain more beacause of it!
It's an old law that you can loose everything being honest and gain everything lying, it doesn't matter if you lie with integrity or because it's easy.
I admit that I lie a lot, but I consider lying as a bad thing, and terrible that in contemporary world politicians lie, people who we trust our future, media lie, which should give us true information, people who we know, who we love lie, people who we should trust in the first place.

Friday 25 April 2008

Nasty Comedian: Sacha Baron Cohen
Do you recognize this guy? I'm sure you do! Sacha Baron Cohen, nasty comedian aka Bruno Australian gay aka Ali G British gangsta raper aka Borat Kazach journalist.
His jokes are rasist, sexist, and devoid of good taste. But he is extremely funny and everyone loves him!
Why bad jokes make us laught? Maybe we always wated to laught at 'forbbiden' things but society didn't let us, and brave guys like Sacha makes us that possibillity!
Is it cool to make fun from religion, gender, sexual preferences, race, stereotypes or nationality?
In my opinion it's the matter of sense of humor. I personaly like jokes about catholic, Polish thieves, but some can feel hurt by them.

Thursday 24 April 2008

My body is my castle!

Your Body is your own thing, you can do with it whatever you want, but what's the point hurting yourself?
I don't have tattoos or piercing. But I'm thinking about it.
For now I'm a bit sceptic about those ideas. Doing something pernament on your own body. I think about how would I feel having tattoo when I'd be 70? Something that nowadays is cool, alternative and fashionable, can be embarrassing in the future.
What about piercing? Ear, nose, lip - ok, but nipples or genitals? Is it fashion or masochism?
People do it to impress the others? For themselves? Maybe because they like it!
I accept choice to make body modification, and consider it as something interesting, but I don't feel like doing something to myself yet.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

BadTv: Bad Cinema

What would be cinema without bad cinema. I won't write about Kids, mainly because I've already comment about this. I will describe three 'mainstream' bad movies, which are lighter tha Kids.

Fight Club
His name was Tyler Durden and he had a plot to destroy society, but it turned out that he is only an imagination of one white collar worker. What is bad about movie? There is sex, violence, drugs, exloitation, and destructive ideas. But watching the movie, viewer feels that those bad things are good, are something that makes you feel alive.

Clockwork Orange
Poor, in my opinion, adaptation of the book. Young Alex and his gang kills, rapes and steals. In prison he is put into therapy after which he isn't able to act violently. His life becomes living hell, but finally he gets back to his dirty deeds. Clockwork Orange is antiutopic and tries to show modern society, but also life of young person which lost its morality.

Sin City
In the city of sin everyone is a sinner. Killers, dirty police, hookers with guns, pedophiles, corrupted government and religion officials. Movie shows stories of individuals who are only a little less bad than the others, who fight to survive. Main characters are presented as good bandits with which we can eassily connect.

What gives us bad cinema? Something different than boring hollywoodhappyending stories, something that will disturb you, and make you think about the world around you.

Comment #5 Have you got a spare cig mate?

After my pro smoking note on my own blog I actually have to agree with you - dirty habit. That it is killing us we knew before. But is it really cool and independent to stink like sh and have taste like sh in mouth. And the money, 4 packs of cigs and I could go to the rock show. At the moments like right now I'm thinking about quiting. But I robably won't. At least now. But I hope, someday...Smoking is so bad...

Comment on

Tuesday 22 April 2008

'Bad' touch

Masturbation? What can I say? The most popular leisure activity in the contemporary world? Maybe, but no one would admit it in public.
What is he phenomenon of having sex with one's own hand? What makes it so embarrassing? Is it really bad?

Who knows your body better thany you(well maybe your physician, but nevermind)? People for centuries seeked for sexual pleasure, and as far masturbation is one most pleasant, popular and easiest to get. People by masturbation learn their own body what also helps while they're having sex.
But it's still embarrassing. People fell ashamed of talking about it, thinking abot it, sometimes even doing it. Why? Well masturbation is intimate, sometimes sociali not accepted or can mean that person isn't able to have normal intercourse(teenagers like to laught at virgins).
But is it bad? For centuries it was disease cousing blindness and hair grownig on hands. but what now? Science proofs that masturbation can be good for us, prevent cancer(, help with sexual balance.
But it also can be addictive and cause deviatins.
If masturbatin should be consider as bad or good depends on people morality!

Monday 21 April 2008

Comment #4: 14 deadly sins commit at your own risk

Wow! This is interesting, I haven't seen it before, and I consider myself as a (kinda) catholic.
1) genetic modification - yeah, good one, it should be forbbiden! why? well we could find cure for cancer, or for death! and what than with heaven and hell? World cannot develope! Lets rise iquisition again!2) human experimentation's - the same as above.3) polluting the environment - this isn't a sin, this is a serious problem but well I'm ok with this one4) social injustice - Church hasn't ever been that close to Marx. But I agree, there shouldn't be any priviligate social group which feels that have a power over the rest. hypocrisy?5) causing poverty - the same as polluting, but I'm not sure if we should consider it as a sin...6) financial gluttony - yeah right... hypocrisy again7) taking drugs - why not? because it's running from the real world different way than through religion?
New Dedly Sins? Hypocritic and with intention to stop world's developement... nothing new in this religion.
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Stealing in the internet

We know that stealing is bad, but what about stealing in interned? Downloading mp3 files for free from internet is considering as stealing, but everyone do this! 2p2 software like torrents ( or hosting servers like rapidshare ( aren't controlled at all, free flow of files last. But is it really bad to download music? If we consider music as art, if artists consider it as art the shouldn't mind downloading it by fans. The answer are websites which allow to download mp3 for low prices like i-tunes.

Will it stop flow of mp3 in internet? Will people buy records in music shops? Probably most of them not, but who appreciate artist's work would pay to listen to them.

Sunday 20 April 2008

Comment #3: Views on DRUGS

I won't agree with that drugs shouldn't be legalized, and with hasher restrictions for drug use.
legalization won't rescue drug addicts but the case are young people who will try drugs, and on us depend how it will happen. Something legal isn't so tempting as forbbiden, so kids won't do it for teenage rebel. If they even decide to smoke some weed they can do it in clean, public place, not hiding, lieing and buying 'stuff' from criminals. Furthermore, legal drugs means the end of black market, and prices decided by the government. If kid would have to pay 30Ł instead of 10Ł for drug he would definetly think twice before buying.
Restrictions are definetly not an answer. I know the case frome my home country where even marijuana is completely illegal. People are still doing drugs there, but they are preceived as criminals. There were few cases when teenagers were cought with 1g of mj and because of that they have criminal record for rest of their life.

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Bad Music

It would be easier to describe good music, because there is too many bad music generes.
Why bad music? Because it cause that people look different, act different, usually act bad!
Why they're acting bad? Because musicians do it. If their idols take drugs, makes body modificaions or believe in satan, they would do the same.
What do I mean by bad music? Lets begin:

Few guys around the world like Rotten, Vicious or Ramone decide to play on guitar like they want to beat sh out of it and scream into microphone about destroing society(I know that Ramones were much more lighter in it). They did it in very bad taste destroying rock'n'roll. And youth loved it! Started to dress weird, make weird haircuts, and sniff glue.

Long hair, black outfit, satan in the heart. They love fantasy, magic, are usually nerds without glasses but with long dirty hair. Muscic is heavy and the lyrics can't be understanded by anyone. Pure evil from the point of view of parents. Satanists killing cats in the lyrics and burning churches in the real world! Well this is the bad music!

It's getting better now, this guys are gangsters, I mean real gangsters. They are shooting at each other and slap their... girlfriends(?)... bottoms(?)(is it polite?) And yes, they are singing about it, and about how they hate each other and police, and about what kind of lifestyle is cool. It's baaad lifestyle.

and for dessert
my favourite

The newest sensation! Before, underground created music and subculture and after that someone makes money from it, this time corporations took issue in their own hands, mixed a little melodic punk rock with pure hardcore, made their singers to look like punks mixed with goths. Whats bad about this music? That emo-kids look like freaks and want to cut themselves? No, kids did it before. The worst thing about emo is that it's entirely created by masterminds who now are getting money from 'rebel' kids.

I know that all of this were stereotypes, and i must admit that I love to listen to all of this bad music.
And what is bad about this music?
It is simply Different. And people are scared of differences. When music creates subcultures, people are scared even more.

And here is a link if you're not sure if you're punk or emo:

Saturday 19 April 2008

Comment #2 Bad Cinema: Kids

I would disagree that kids nowadays are like in this movie. Most children aren't; of course they are experimenting and rebel against the world but they are good, smart kids. But also there is a number of children which 'misbehave', but in my opinion it's coused by (stupid)parents and mass culture of contemporary world. We shouldn't blame the kids, we should blame ourselves. Yes, children are naive, and if they see in almost every stupid comedy that going around and bashing girls is cool, they will do it.What is missing in the movie, is that in this group of teenagers there should be few older 'kids' who brings those bad models of 'adult' behavior to them.
To $lady t$: Hellloooo movie isn't reality! Nobody had sex there. And those YOUNG kids in real world were from 16 to 20 years old then! Do some research! And I can say I was comfortable with 'sex scenes', because considering movie as ART, not REALITY, those scenes were destroying one of the taboos in movies, they were schocking but also important in developing the genere.

Comment to:


What can be better than coffee and cigarette in the morning?
There are many reasons why we smoke cigarettes (, for fun, pleasure, to get attention, look sexy, reward ourselves. How come this small roll of tobbaco, from which we breath poisonous smoke, is so popular and tempting.
The phenomenon of tobbaco is amazing, people knowing that it is harmful, still smoke. Cigarette became icone of idividualists, people who do 'bad' thing and are conscious about it.
After banning cigarettes from pubs, public places and even houses(fire alarm in randall lines, hehe!) new social group arise - smokers. They gather in front of halls, university, pubs, and they usually know each other, chat and socialize. In this 'smoking spaces' you can meet a lot of new interesting people, with whom you have definetly one thing in common - smoking.
Smoking can be harmful, and so what? Smething will kill me anyway, so minute of pleasure with tobbaco isn't so bad at all...;)
(Only this sticker about impotency is pretty scary and persuasive;))

Friday 18 April 2008

Comment #1 violence in video games

In ancient times there were Tragedies, which were good if all characters or most of them dies in the end, during medieval we loved to burn heretics, later we cut heads and hang people for public entertinement, in 20th century cinema provide violent movies, in 21th century violent games took lead. Probably nobody who played GTA became a gangster, but he loved killing cops in the game, just like he would love identify with Rambo, or whith Creon from Sophocles's Antigone. There is some kind of violent beast in humane soul which desire violence, better watch it or do it in the game than for real.What about a kids? I remember as a kid I always played war or ninjas, or some other preending to be violent, this beast is also in children's nature, I recommend you a novel 'Lord of the Flies'.I agree with most of what you wrote, this is just a different view over the problem: games aren't bad - we are;)

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Banana Smile

Drugs... hmmmmmm




...oh sorry, I wandered off...;)

I think most of us took drugs at least once. It doesn't matter if you were curious or friend persued you; you tried it, and your life won't be the same anymore. Drugs give oppourtunity to leave this sh-hole world, and go into another dimension. That's why many people who sufferd a lot in their life become drug addicts; they needed to get away from problems, reality and this world. I'm not pro-drugs, I wouldn't recommend crystalmeth, cocaine or heroine to anybody, but I admit that In my opinion some drugs could be legalized, and are worth to experiance with: lsd, ecstasy, and mostly marijuana (well, at least it's not crack!;)). And I don't encourage to do drugs, but Ithink that everyone should try (almost)everything in life, and experimenting with light drugs is one of this things. People like to experiment with drugs, there is a Polish wesite where people describe their experiances (, it's very helpful if someone want to try drug for the first time, he know what to expect, he can find reasons why to try it or not(if there is this kind of website in english, let me know, reading about 'trips' is very interesting).

What about addiction? I don't think that marijuana is addictive, but I think people should stay away from so called hard drugs(heroine, crack), and be aware that they are addictive. Being a junkie definetly is a terrible thing, but I doubt that ligt drugs can lead to it, if someone smoke crack, he has a lot of problems, and he didn't 'waste time' with ecstasy or lsd.

I know that all this sounds like I encourage to take drugs... well I think I do... Smoking kills, Alcochol kills, so why don't we be bad and smoke some dope and give ourselves big smile, which looks just like banana and see if marijuana kills to;)

Thursday 17 April 2008

Being 'good'?

What is a difference between saint and a bigot? Well saint devote its life to God while bigot devote its life to religion.

Yes, in my opinion we should divide God from religion, assuming that God exist he wouldn't allow religions to act like they act. But some people blindly believe in religion dogmas and concern themself as 'good' as those who believe the only right truth in the world.

What is bad about them? I'm aware that I'm not very religious person, but I believe in God. Many times I felt discriminated be 'religious' people. They do not accept people who are a little religious, they see themselves as better ones.
Furthermore religious media like radio station Radio Maryja in Poland can manipulate catholic(in this case) audience, like it took place during elections in Poland, when coservative Law and Justice won (
In conclusion, I'm not really against religion as an institution, but being too religius can cause manipulations, decriminations, hatery, ignorance or even terrorism.

Monday 14 April 2008

Art of cheating

Infidelity is one of the oldest sin in the world. People do it for excitement, experiment, boredome and especially because they can, they have power, money and position to do it. Example for this kind of infidelity is Lewinsky scandal, which prooves that even people on highest social status do it. But ordinary people do it in their everyday life to. Men usually do it for sex, nothing more, but women in my opinion do it only if she feel something more for her lover, she feel secure or in love. The temptation to cheat is great, the way to do it if we don't want our partner to find out is difficult. The lesson of cheating is lesson of lieing, good lier won't be caught, this is the whole philosophy. I can't hide that I'm sceptical about infidelity, actually I consider it as really bad thing, the worst thing you can do to person you love.(

Sunday 13 April 2008

BadTv - Cartoons

I remember time when cartoons were designed for children, time when anime was considered as controversial because of violence and short dresses. It was a good time and simple time, when bad was bad and good was good. Then in december of 1989 FOX aired first episode of The Simpsons turning the world upside down. Ok maybe I exaggerate a little, but than the 'adventure' with cartoons designed for adults began. Actually I don't remember it, I was one year old, and I discovered Simpsons when I was already adult, but when I was teenager I discovered the other adult cartoon -South Park. I can say without hesitate that I learned english watching that cartoon, that's why it's so poor;). But what is the phenomenon of south park? Well, it's bad, really bad. I don't know any other cartoon that make fun of religion, race, politics, social behavior, killing and dying, sex and all the other topics that are usually recognised as taboo. Badness of south park can be considered on two levels: 1) Characters in tv show act bad (eg. Cartman), what can encourage viewer to copy this behavior 2) Creators of south park make funn of serious problems in their show. But is it really bad to destroy taboo and make viewer think about serious problems in different way? I admit that almost every episode brings reflection on cotemporary world and society to me. Shows like that are cry: 'Wake up people! World isn't a candy shop'

But what are the conclusions? That Bad-TvShows are good?

Actually it's not my point. While catoons for adults develope, children cartoons develope also. Simple plot about good win over evil became too boring, now cartoons for children are becoming stupid, with toilet humor, without any educational message. My 5 years old cousin became a bully to younger brother. Why? Because he saw this kind of behavior in Ed, Edd and Eddy.

Bad behavior in cartoons for adults - o.k., but in cartoons for children? Soon the bad behavior from tv will be something ordinary in the real world. Creators of cartoons, think about what are you doing, stop brainwashing children... or maybe brainwashed children are your objective...?

Sunday 6 April 2008

Against the rules! Bad behaviour

When I was eight and preparing to first communion(as a catholic) I learnt that swearing is a sin. Before that I heard swear-words in school or on the street, but no one in my home ever used them so it was natural for me not to us them too. But when swearing became a sin, something forbidden, it became cool. Only few who weren't scared of adults and punishment decide to swear, this brave ones were usually trublemakers who didn't ever think about consequences. But what with me? Kid who always gets good grades and is a living example of good behaviour? I think back then I started my rebelion against the rules, the causes weren't noble - to impress other kids, to feel cool and be above what adults said. So then I startet swearing.. a lot... When I went to junior high school I started to listen to heavy metal music, because society didn't accept it as a normal thing for teenager, because society rocognize it as a bad satanic music. I grew long hair because my parents hate long hair. I drank my first beer when I was 15, two months after my catholic oath not to drink alcochol till my 18 birthday, before that oath I didn't have a little willingness to do it. After that first ciarette, first big lie, first joint, first night out without telling parents, first sex... and so on.
What pushed me to do those 'bad' things? Was my rebellion against parents? rules? society? maybe against myself?
Websites like this one try to give parents advices how to deal with children's bad behaviour. Most of them are 'talk to your children', but in my case more my parents or other people said that thing is bad, more I wanted to do it!
This is not a lonely rebellion, I think many young people leads this kind of rebellion against the 'good'.
It makes me think, maybe 'being bad' is in humane nature?
Or maybe it isn't 'being bad'? Maybe our culture and society makes us think it is, and it is natural to fight for freendom of thought?
Or maybe I'm just bad;)

Thursday 21 February 2008

The good, the bad & the ugly place to go

'Where would you like to go on a trip? And forget about Las Vegas!' asked our module leader. Well I assume that we can forget about Amsterdam either...

Ok, then some place reasonable...

My idea is to go to Molineux Stadium for one of the championship league games. The big game, the real emotions, bad behaviour on the field and on stands! And the main objective - hooligans, they represent kind of bad behaviour that we can think about. They are violent, vulgar, rude, and dangerous, they're making riots and provide acts of vandalism. But aren't the doing it from noble causes? For beloved football club, against hated enemies, to prove they are brave and devoted? In my opinion interesting thing to consider, so here is my idea for trip - Molineux Stadium( ).