Sunday 6 April 2008

Against the rules! Bad behaviour

When I was eight and preparing to first communion(as a catholic) I learnt that swearing is a sin. Before that I heard swear-words in school or on the street, but no one in my home ever used them so it was natural for me not to us them too. But when swearing became a sin, something forbidden, it became cool. Only few who weren't scared of adults and punishment decide to swear, this brave ones were usually trublemakers who didn't ever think about consequences. But what with me? Kid who always gets good grades and is a living example of good behaviour? I think back then I started my rebelion against the rules, the causes weren't noble - to impress other kids, to feel cool and be above what adults said. So then I startet swearing.. a lot... When I went to junior high school I started to listen to heavy metal music, because society didn't accept it as a normal thing for teenager, because society rocognize it as a bad satanic music. I grew long hair because my parents hate long hair. I drank my first beer when I was 15, two months after my catholic oath not to drink alcochol till my 18 birthday, before that oath I didn't have a little willingness to do it. After that first ciarette, first big lie, first joint, first night out without telling parents, first sex... and so on.
What pushed me to do those 'bad' things? Was my rebellion against parents? rules? society? maybe against myself?
Websites like this one try to give parents advices how to deal with children's bad behaviour. Most of them are 'talk to your children', but in my case more my parents or other people said that thing is bad, more I wanted to do it!
This is not a lonely rebellion, I think many young people leads this kind of rebellion against the 'good'.
It makes me think, maybe 'being bad' is in humane nature?
Or maybe it isn't 'being bad'? Maybe our culture and society makes us think it is, and it is natural to fight for freendom of thought?
Or maybe I'm just bad;)