Saturday 19 April 2008


What can be better than coffee and cigarette in the morning?
There are many reasons why we smoke cigarettes (, for fun, pleasure, to get attention, look sexy, reward ourselves. How come this small roll of tobbaco, from which we breath poisonous smoke, is so popular and tempting.
The phenomenon of tobbaco is amazing, people knowing that it is harmful, still smoke. Cigarette became icone of idividualists, people who do 'bad' thing and are conscious about it.
After banning cigarettes from pubs, public places and even houses(fire alarm in randall lines, hehe!) new social group arise - smokers. They gather in front of halls, university, pubs, and they usually know each other, chat and socialize. In this 'smoking spaces' you can meet a lot of new interesting people, with whom you have definetly one thing in common - smoking.
Smoking can be harmful, and so what? Smething will kill me anyway, so minute of pleasure with tobbaco isn't so bad at all...;)
(Only this sticker about impotency is pretty scary and persuasive;))

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