Friday 18 April 2008

Comment #1 violence in video games

In ancient times there were Tragedies, which were good if all characters or most of them dies in the end, during medieval we loved to burn heretics, later we cut heads and hang people for public entertinement, in 20th century cinema provide violent movies, in 21th century violent games took lead. Probably nobody who played GTA became a gangster, but he loved killing cops in the game, just like he would love identify with Rambo, or whith Creon from Sophocles's Antigone. There is some kind of violent beast in humane soul which desire violence, better watch it or do it in the game than for real.What about a kids? I remember as a kid I always played war or ninjas, or some other preending to be violent, this beast is also in children's nature, I recommend you a novel 'Lord of the Flies'.I agree with most of what you wrote, this is just a different view over the problem: games aren't bad - we are;)

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