Sunday 20 April 2008

Comment #3: Views on DRUGS

I won't agree with that drugs shouldn't be legalized, and with hasher restrictions for drug use.
legalization won't rescue drug addicts but the case are young people who will try drugs, and on us depend how it will happen. Something legal isn't so tempting as forbbiden, so kids won't do it for teenage rebel. If they even decide to smoke some weed they can do it in clean, public place, not hiding, lieing and buying 'stuff' from criminals. Furthermore, legal drugs means the end of black market, and prices decided by the government. If kid would have to pay 30Ł instead of 10Ł for drug he would definetly think twice before buying.
Restrictions are definetly not an answer. I know the case frome my home country where even marijuana is completely illegal. People are still doing drugs there, but they are preceived as criminals. There were few cases when teenagers were cought with 1g of mj and because of that they have criminal record for rest of their life.

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