Monday 14 April 2008

Art of cheating

Infidelity is one of the oldest sin in the world. People do it for excitement, experiment, boredome and especially because they can, they have power, money and position to do it. Example for this kind of infidelity is Lewinsky scandal, which prooves that even people on highest social status do it. But ordinary people do it in their everyday life to. Men usually do it for sex, nothing more, but women in my opinion do it only if she feel something more for her lover, she feel secure or in love. The temptation to cheat is great, the way to do it if we don't want our partner to find out is difficult. The lesson of cheating is lesson of lieing, good lier won't be caught, this is the whole philosophy. I can't hide that I'm sceptical about infidelity, actually I consider it as really bad thing, the worst thing you can do to person you love.(