Friday 18 April 2008

Banana Smile

Drugs... hmmmmmm




...oh sorry, I wandered off...;)

I think most of us took drugs at least once. It doesn't matter if you were curious or friend persued you; you tried it, and your life won't be the same anymore. Drugs give oppourtunity to leave this sh-hole world, and go into another dimension. That's why many people who sufferd a lot in their life become drug addicts; they needed to get away from problems, reality and this world. I'm not pro-drugs, I wouldn't recommend crystalmeth, cocaine or heroine to anybody, but I admit that In my opinion some drugs could be legalized, and are worth to experiance with: lsd, ecstasy, and mostly marijuana (well, at least it's not crack!;)). And I don't encourage to do drugs, but Ithink that everyone should try (almost)everything in life, and experimenting with light drugs is one of this things. People like to experiment with drugs, there is a Polish wesite where people describe their experiances (, it's very helpful if someone want to try drug for the first time, he know what to expect, he can find reasons why to try it or not(if there is this kind of website in english, let me know, reading about 'trips' is very interesting).

What about addiction? I don't think that marijuana is addictive, but I think people should stay away from so called hard drugs(heroine, crack), and be aware that they are addictive. Being a junkie definetly is a terrible thing, but I doubt that ligt drugs can lead to it, if someone smoke crack, he has a lot of problems, and he didn't 'waste time' with ecstasy or lsd.

I know that all this sounds like I encourage to take drugs... well I think I do... Smoking kills, Alcochol kills, so why don't we be bad and smoke some dope and give ourselves big smile, which looks just like banana and see if marijuana kills to;)

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