Monday 5 May 2008


I'm 20 years old, male student of Media and Comunication & Creative and Professional writing. Beig Bad relate to my craft of writing module where I learnt how to write short stories(in being bad creative pieces). I think that Being bad was rather easy but at an approprieate level, topics were interesting and easy to understand but there was a lot of assignments. I think that format of the classes worked well, as module team did, more debates among whole class should be provided. I think that interdisciplinary approach is very useful and is a very good idea. I would recommend this module to others but I doubt that I will follow up with PH2004. I think that weblogs are good idea but it takes a lot of time to write them. Two short assigments are good idea. I learnt about the causes and ideas of human bad behaviour what I also find most useful.

Sunday 4 May 2008


Eating is one of the greatest human pleasures. Food gives us essential to live elements, it gives us energy, health, and obesity...

What cause that we eat junk food? that we eat food that is unhealthy, harmful, even poisonous to us?

Fast food tends to be served fast and prepered fast, moreover it is very tasty. Lazyness is the issue that push us to make and eat junk food. We would rather put ready meal to microwave for 3 minutes than cook a dinner for an hour.

Pandemia of obesity in the world, in developed countries is terrible. People don't think abut their health, they rather live comfortable than healthy.

Saturday 3 May 2008


Robin Hood, Jessie James, Al Capone, criminals, bandits beloved by people, whose legacy last forever. Why their being bad was socially accepted?
Bandits like Robin Hood or Jessie James created and in contemporary world are presented in kind of mythology, where individuals considered as criminals fight with unfair government for ordinary people benefit.
Even if they were killing people, and usually weren't so noble as they are presented, they are considered as heroes.

Friday 2 May 2008

Mobbing and Bullying

What does mean to be a bully? What is mobbing? They are the same thing - doing and saying things to have power over other person, and using this power.
There were always in school people who would rather beat up other kids than learn anything. They weren't usually even that stupid but they were stronger and because of that more powerful. When they felt the power they used it not on equal but on the weakest.
Same situation is in big companies offices, where rich boss feel free to humiliate employees or even to harass them. Is it in human nature to desire power and to abuse it in bad way?